Demonstrate leadership in Indigenous Relations.

Join the growing number of Canadian companies who recognize the importance of Indigenous participation in Canada’s economy by becoming PAIR Certified.

What is PAIR?

Partnership Accreditation In Indigenous Relations (PAIR) is a certification program that confirms corporate performance in Indigenous relations at the Bronze, Silver or Gold level. Certified companies promote their level with a PAIR logo signaling to communities that they are good business partners; great places to work, and are committed to prosperity in Indigenous communities. PAIR is the only Corporate Social Responsibility program with an emphasis on Indigenous Relations.

Benefits of PAIR

For Indigenous communities: Share of economic opportunities.

The independent external verification and juried review of corporate performance in Indigenous relations provides a high-level of assurance that a certified company would be a good partner, a great place to work, and is committed to the prosperity of Indigenous communities, businesses, and individuals. The verification also includes interviews with Indigenous stakeholders, ensuring that the voice of Indigenous communities is considered in the jury’s deliberations and assignment of a PAIR certification.

For PAIR companies: Establish a reputation in Corporate Social Responsibility.

The PAIR certification program validates performance and confirms company commitment, success, and impact. Participation in PAIR ensures that Indigenous relations is addressed as part of a company’s overall corporate social responsibility strategy and considered in annual planning and at the strategic level.

Participation Levels


Participation at the PAIR Committed level requires a company to submit one year of reports into the online tool for review by a qualified PAIR verifier for three consecutive years, maximum. A third-party verifier will provide the company with high-level feedback. This service is at the company’s cost and is not a benefit of CCIB membership. The high-level feedback is intended to highlight areas of opportunity for the company and used to supplement other planning practices in preparation for Certification.

Participants at this level are permitted to use the PAIR Committed Logo and promote their participation in internal and external communications. In addition, PAIR companies must always include the following text or slight variation when featuring the PAIR Committed logo or referring to their participation:

PAIR Committed participation indicates our commitment to continual improvement in Indigenous relations and intention to undergo external verification of our performance in the future.

Companies enrolled at the PAIR Committed level may participate at this level for a maximum of three consecutive years during the entire term of their CCIB membership.

After the three-year period ending in the month of the company’s first review, the company must progress to the PAIR Certification level and cease using the PAIR Committed logo in any promotion or external or internal communications. If a company opts to not pursue the external verification (PAIR Certified), it may continue in the program as a PAIR Participant. The three-year time limit and annual review are in place at this level to ensure that companies are progressing towards certification, addressing the high-level feedback provided to them.

PAIR Committed program participants can request the first PAIR Committed level review at any time during a calendar year. Companies may opt to progress to the certified level after one or two years' participation at the Committed level.


All CCIB members in good standing are eligible to participate at the PAIR Certification level. There is no requirement that companies first participate at either of the two previously described levels, however, Certification requires three years of information.

Certification and authorization to use a PAIR bronze, silver or gold logo requires independent external verification at the company’s cost, and review by a PAIR Jury. The Jury assigns certification at the bronze, silver or gold level. After assignment of a standing, companies may make extensive use of the logo associated with their performance in any internal or external communications.

PAIR Certified companies must re-certify every three years, providing the three previous years’ information online for the verifier’s review. PAIR Certified companies are encouraged to report online in each non-certifying year. Companies opting to not seek recertification are to cease using the assigned PAIR logo and referencing their participation in PAIR in external or internal communications at the end of three years, which will generally be the date of official recognition at the Vancouver PAIR gala or the date that the company was notified of its PAIR standing by the PAIR Jury.

Companies may seek certification at any point in a calendar year but the certification will become effective upon notice from the PAIR Jury of the certification level granted. Participants seeking formal recognition at the annual PAIR gala must ensure that their completed online application is submitted by April 1st in order to allow sufficient time for Jury deliberations.

PAIR Performance Areas

It is often said that “what gets measured, gets done”. While companies seeking PAIR certification report on quantifiable measures, the program and the verification process acknowledge that strong relationships are a key to sustainability and progressive improvement in Indigenous relations. The PAIR certification recognizes the value of relationships and the diversity of opportunities and challenges that face companies that are committed to the Indigenous community. PAIR verifies corporate initiatives and outcomes in four key performance areas.


Leadership Actions are defined as actions taken by leaders of the organization to reinforce an organizational focus on Indigenous relations. Such actions have an impact in achieving and sustaining good results in all PAIR Drivers. These actions include setting and cascading a clear commitment and policy, identifying and communicating with the Communities of Interest, scheduling self-assessment exercises against PAIR Criteria to review status, and applying a structure to drive and help sustain the commitment to positive Indigenous relations across the organization.


Employment is defined as the commitment of resources (time and money) to achieving equitable representation of Indigenous persons in the workplace. This involves recruiting and retaining Indigenous talent, supporting their career development and advancement, and promoting mobility of Indigenous employees throughout employment sectors and levels. This Driver also includes supporting cross-cultural awareness and/or cultural sensitivity training, and providing training and support for existing or prospective Indigenous employees through specific programs or actions.

Business Development

Business development is defined as the commitment of resources (time and money) to the development of business relationships with Indigenous-owned businesses. These activities are sustained through mutual benefit. Capacity building and mentorship also directly relate to sustaining, enhancing or developing future business development.

Community Relationships

The Community Relationships Driver is broken out into two components: engagement and support. Engagement is defined as providing time and resources to develop and sustain positive and progressive relationships with Indigenous communities, groups and stakeholders. Engagement can include communications, information sharing, involvement in events and activities, and partnerships. Support is defined as a commitment to develop positive and progressive relationships with Indigenous communities, groups and stakeholders by providing financial and/or in-kind support. These components work together to nurture and sustain positive and progressive relationships.

Guidelines for Certification Levels

PAIR Gold Level
  • 80% or more verifier confirmed score
  • Excellent feedback from verifier on management practices, and evidence of increasing maturity in the management of Indigenous relations
  • Strong support from community; compelling evidence from community of sustained positive impacts from company’s programs and activities
  • Long term relationship with the Indigenous community and evidence of active and strategic management of relationships over time
  • Demonstrated success of programs through the successful delivery over the long-term (5+ years)
PAIR Silver Level
  • 65 – 79% verifier confirmed score
  • Good feedback from verifier; some gaps identified but clear evidence of progressive improvement and greater integration into management processes
  • Strong support from community; compelling evidence from community of increasingly positive impacts of company’s programs and activities
  • Established relationship with the Indigenous community and evidence of active and strategic management of relationships
PAIR Bronze Level
  • 55 - 64% confirmed score
  • Good feedback from verifier but gaps identified in multiple areas; clear commitment to addressing identified gaps
  • Good support from community but not a high level of awareness of company efforts; some evidence from community of increasingly positive impacts of company’s programs and activities
  • Building relationships with the Indigenous community, with evidence of active and strategic management of Indigenous relations

PAIR Costs & Requirements

  • CCIB Membership
    $2,500 to $10,000*
  • PAIR Application Fee
  • High Level Feedback from independent verifier
  • Submit one year of reports.
  • 1 year reporting period: must re-certify every year for a maximum of 3 years then move to certified level.
  • Deadline: ongoing.
  • Company can use Committed Logo upon signing participation agreement.
  • CCIB Membership
    $2,500 to $25,000*
  • PAIR Application Fee
  • Verification by independent verifier
  • Submit three years of reports.
  • 3 year reporting period; must re-certify every 3 years.
  • Must undergo verification by independent verifier.
  • Jury Evaluation at Bronze, Silver, Gold.
  • Deadline: April 1st every year.
  • Company can use designated Bronze, Silver or Gold Logo after the Jury Evaluation.
*Based on company size

Contact Us

Want to learn more about PAIR or become a CCIB Member?

Please visit for more information or contact the CCIB office in Toronto at 416-961-8663.

Already a CCIB Member?

Contact the CCIB office to obtain login instructions for the PAIR Online Tool at 416-961-8663.